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About extruder principle

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The extruder is divided into twin screw extruder and single screw extruder. They also have the functions of solid conveying, melting pressurization and pumping mixed stripping and devolatilization. Here is a brief introduction to the working principle of the extruder.


The principle of the extruder is as follows:

1. Establish the change law of the physical state of the polymer during the extrusion process, the transport principle, the authenticity and law of solid melt transport and exhaust. The established mathematical model and physical model can be used to guide the design of the screw extruder and the optimization of the extrusion process.

2. It is necessary to understand the real state change, mixing morphology, structure change process of two or more polymers and materials during the extrusion process, and the relationship between the final mixture and performance

3. As a screw extruder, the internal relationship between the reaction process, speed, performance, screw configuration and operating conditions is established to guide the reaction molding extrusion.

The above content is a brief introduction to the working principle of the extruder. Although the working principles of twin-screw extruder and single-screw extruder are similar, they are also different.