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Calculation method and performance introduction of extruder

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The diameter of the extruder is an important technical parameter, and its size indicates the size of the machine's production capacity to a certain extent. The larger the screw diameter, the greater the production capacity, so many users attach great importance to this when purchasing an extruder.

1. The range of the number of revolutions of the extruder: The screw speed of the machine can generally be adjusted steplessly. The screw has a low number of revolutions and a high number of revolutions. At present, the high speed can reach more than 1000r/min. The higher the rotational speed, the greater the shear force and the greater the output.

2. In terms of chemical properties, the extruder is suitable for the transportation of corrosive gases and liquids, which can bring high profits to investors. In terms of mechanics of the machine: if the screw diameter is unchanged and the screw speed is increased, the torque on the screw will increase. When the torque reaches a certain level, the screw will be in danger of being twisted and broken.

Due to the continuous expansion of the application market and technological breakthroughs, it can maintain a slight upward trend on the whole, and the use of extruders is also very extensive.